
Sunday, 23 September 2012

cool craft in a perfect party

Hiya great followers!!!
Today is very near my birthday (one DAY!!)and I am excited!!
Not only am I having a party I having a craft party!
If you ever need crafty supplies GO to the Baker Ross website! It has amazing things like..


paper bags
cupcake tea lights
and wooden frames.
I also got some decorations to put on them:
smily faces

Acrylic Jewels

and more!! they do hundreds of these great makes!!

It does not matter what your doing art with, its that you are doing art,

Monday, 3 September 2012

a new home for my art

Yesterday I went into town and I got a new note pad it is beautiful and NO LINES !!!!!!!!!!!

Everywhere I went I couldn't find a big note pad with NO lines, they were all with lines, and went into town knowing that there would be a note pad without lines in WH Smith. But before I could get to WH Smith my sister wanted a book from the works that she needed so I left her in the book section while I went off to the art section and  I saw this beautiful note pad and with NO lines and for a great price 2.99!!-----

Of course I bought it I couldn't miss this opportunity!!!!
Then after I had bought it I just looked at the back and it said that it was 9.99!!!! That's what I call a bargain!!

As soon as I got home I started drawing and this came:

When you can't think of what to draw, just force your pen on the paper and see what happens!